Class of 2025
Vice Principal:
Tori Ha
Class Advisors:
Ms. Grabowski
Ms. McEntee
donate here
GHS School information
Bell Schedules, LVJUSD Calendars, etc.
ghs webstore
Buy GHS Items online.
college & Career Center
Resources for College and Career.
Creative Imaging: School Pictures. Creative Imaging - GHS (925) 485-6025
Jostens: Caps/gowns/announcements/class rings. Jostens - GHS (925) 838-1835
Safe & Sober Grad Night: Website: eMail:
This guide is created to help you with many of the SENIOR Year events and activities. It’s not everything, but hopefully will still be helpful as you finish out your High School career!
- SENIOR Contract - Due Nov 15
- Senior Quotes - DUE Nov 15
- Creative Imaging: Senior Portraits - DUE by Nov 16 to be in Yearbook
- Disney Grad Night: May 22, 2025 - Register NOW
- Safe & Sober Grad Night (SSGN): May 30
- JOSTENS: SENIOR Announcements, Cap & Gown and Memorabilia
- Yearbooks & Senior Ad
- Information from the College & Career Center
SENIOR Contract - Due Nov 15
* Over 68% have turned in the form so far! *
Senior Contract is due November 15th
Senior Activities Include:
Winter Ball February 8, 2025
Disneyland Trip May 22, 2025
Senior Ball May 24, 2025
Senior Breakfast & Graduation May 30, 2025
Senior activities are school-sponsored events, which recognize and reward four years of self-discipline and hard work. They are a privilege extended to deserving and graduating seniors. Seniors participating in these events represent Granada High and are expected to uphold the highest standards of conduct and behavior. Students must follow the behavioral expectations of both GHS and the activity site.
Accordingly, the criteria for participation are the following, but are not limited to:
- Completed Senior Activities Contract signed by Parent/Guardian and Student.* Failure to return the contract will result in the inability to attend Senior activities. No Exceptions.
- Maintain Senior status:
- No F grade at the time of and in the two weeks leading up to the activity or event.
- Expected progress toward graduation and no grade of F at the end of Semester 1.
- Must have at least 210 credits at the onset of Semester 2.
- Maintain Good Standing:
- All debts must be cleared. ****Please note students are unable to purchase any dance tickets or parking passes if they have a debt at the time of purchase****
- Any major behavioral offenses, or multiple minor behavioral offenses (including failure to attend assigned detentions) may result in the loss of privileges for senior activities.
- Any SUS (Suspension) throughout the year may potentially lead to a loss of privileges (at any time).
- No more than 12 periods of TUX (Tardy Unexcused) or 8 individual class periods of UNX (Unexcused), CUT (verified cut from class), or ISS (In House Suspension) absences during the semester of the activity. Per School Policy:
- Absences must be cleared within 3 days after returning to school.
- Leaving campus without checking out through the Attendance Office will result in a CUT.
- Seniors must take part in the morning Graduation practice in order to participate in the Graduation ceremony.
Senior Quotes - DUE Nov 15
We are excited to continue the tradition of senior quotes!
Guidelines for senior quotes:
1. Quotes may not exceed 140 characters and will be copied and pasted as submitted.
2. Questionable content will not be accepted.
3. No mention of other students or teachers.
4. No negative comments about the school, students, faculty, or staff members.
5. If you choose to quote someone else, please give credit to the original source.
If you do not follow these guidelines, your quote will not be included.
All quotes are subject to review and editing.
Creative Imaging: Senior Portraits - DUE by Nov 16 to be in Yearbook
Please click on this link to schedule your senior portrait appointment: You must take a SENIOR Portrait in order to be in the Yearbook, so book your appointment now before you forget! Last day for senior pics is 11/16 If you have any other questions, please call Creative Imaging directly at 925-485-6025.
Disney Grad Night: May 22, 2025 - Register NOW
We have 330 people signed up and about 30 spots left to fill the 7th bus. After that, people will be put on the waitlist.
Celebrate SENIOR Year at Disneyland. The Disneyland® Resort invites the graduating class of 2025 to celebrate and share one final night of magic and unforgettable memories. Grads can experience an exclusive, night-time park celebration to honor their accomplishments throughout the year at the Disneyland Resort Grad Nite.
Disney Grad Night will be May 22, 2025 Tickets are purchased through our vendor, WorldStrides.
To Register, visit the DGN Registration Website
Group Name = 5732
(Hard Copy of Fliers Available in Student Services)
Safe & Sober Grad Night (SSGN): May 30
- Looking for any information related to Safe and Sober Grad Night? Check out or connect with us at If you are on Facebook, please join our Group for parents at GHS SSGN25. Want to shop: https://granada. categories/2830-safe-and- sober-grad-night
SSGN - December 12 Update
Looking for any information related to Safe and Sober Grad Night?
Check out or connect with us at
If you are on Facebook, please join our Group for parents at GHS SSGN25.
The planning meeting scheduled for 12/16 has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict and holiday burn out!! We hope you will join us at our next planning meeting on January 6th at 6:30pm in MM4
You can purchase individual tickets to Safe and Sober Grad Night for $65. Prices go up at the end of the semester to $75 at midnight on 12/20/24! https://granada.futurefund.
FLASH SALE on Merchandise- did you miss the chance to order a shirt or sweatshirt for your Senior? You can check inventory and order using this link! Get them on sale while we still have them!! https://granada.futurefund.
We have a DONATION NIGHT at Bingo on 1/11!! This is a great chance for Safe and Sober Grad Night to make money for activities. We will need people to come out and play as well as volunteer! Please join us for a night of fun and help our donations grow!
You can also volunteer and the “pay” for any hours you work will go towards SSGN
Please join us for a Twilight Tasting at Page Mill Winery on 01/23 from 4:30 to 8:00pm. This is a great fundraising opportunity and a wonderful chance to spend time with friends in the New Year!!
This holiday season, please consider supporting a senior to attend SSGN that would otherwise be unable to afford to attend. $65 supports one student’s ticket but we appreciate donations of any size to help our fund grow!! https://granada.futurefund.
Adam J Clark Portrait Session Fundraiser
$275 for a Portrait Package and $55 of every package goes to SSGN25
You can use it for your Senior or for a Family session!
Package Includes:
An outside photo session in Livermore with Adam J Clark
2 High Resolution Digital Images
You will have the opportunity to purchase additional pictures after seeing previews
You may be able to use an alternative location with a travel fee
Important SSGN Dates:
12/21 SSGN ticket prices go up to $75
01/06 6:30pm SSGN meeting in MM4
01/11 BINGO donation night!! Grab all your 18+ friends, play, and donate!
01/23 4:30pm to 8:00pm Twilight Tasting at Page Mill Winery
02/01 Last Day for Lei and Yard Sign Orders
merchandise -
03/09 Family Fun Bingo- all ages welcome and SSGN gets a portion of the ticket sales!
05/09 Memory Wall Posters due in the office
05/30 Senior Breakfast, Graduation rehearsal, Graduation, and Safe and Sober Grad Night!!
JOSTENS: SENIOR Announcements, Cap & Gown and Memorabilia
Regarding Cap & Gowns
- Students must have a cap/gown to walk during graduation
- Jostens is the only source (ie no, you cannot buy it off Amazon, but yes, you can wear the hand-me-down from a GHS student)
- Students should talk to Jostens if they want to borrow. Jostens makes a list for us and also talks the student through the options, because they might want to buy just a cap so they can decorate it or a tassel as a keepsake.
- When a student borrows cap/gowns, we hold the diploma until they return the cap/gown. On the stage, it looks no different from what other students are handed, but the paper inside is a note to tell them to return the cap/gown for their diploma.
SENIORS, if you have not YET placed your Cap & Gown/Graduation order, Jostens will be sending you a Late Order form in February, 2025.
Martin Oliveira/Jostens. Phone: (925) 838-1835
Yearbooks & Senior Ad
Yearbooks are on sale. Use the school code 7331 to order today. Please note that you will purchase the yearbook directly from the vendor.
Information from the College & Career Center
Class of 2025,
Welcome to your senior year! The GHS College and Career Center is here to help you over the next year with all of your college & career planning needs. Here is some helpful information to get you started when thinking about your future. If you have any questions along the way, please feel free to reach out to me or your academic counselor.
College visits will be held both throughout September, October and November. College visits are held Wednesday mornings in the College & Career Center and Thursdays during lunch in the quad. These visits are open to all students and are a great way for you to connect with college representatives and get your questions answered. Please check our event calendar to see which colleges are currently signed up and check back often for updates.
College Applications are an important part of your senior year. Visit our page with more information and important dates for applying to college.
Before starting your college applications, please review the GHS Class of 2025 - Important Information for College Applications. We encourage seniors to wait until after Senior Information Night, on September 25, to submit their college applications.
Not sure if you should take the SAT or ACT? Check out our page with more information on whether or not you should take the test for four-year college admissions. If you need to take the test for admissions, please register early as test centers and space is limited. CSUs and UCs will not use the SAT or ACT for admissions for scholarships decisions. If you are going straight to a community college, you do not need to take the test.
Have you started to think about Scholarships and Financial Aid? If not, now is the time to start thinking about how you are going to pay for college. Scholarships are now available for seniors and current opportunities are available on our website. Make sure you read about filing your FAFSA or CADAA. Applications open in December.
Granada will be emailing an unofficial transcript to all seniors and parents/guardians in the next few days. Seniors should use when filling out college application. If you ever need an official transcript click here to order it.
Not sure where to start? Check out our College Planning Resources page. Research colleges that are a good fit for you, create your college list, get a senior year checklist and more.
Not sure what you want to study in college? Not sure if college is the best fit for you? Thinking about an apprenticeship program or joining the military? Check out our Career Exploration Resources for more post-high school options.
Lastly, our department will be hosting various events this fall. Please save the date for Senior Information Night on Wednesday, September 25 at 6:00 pm in the Student Union. Additional events include Financial Aid Night, college application workshops, the Tri-Valley College & Career Fair and more. More information about these events will be shared over the next few weeks.
I hope this helps get you started. I look forward to working with you this year.
Danielle Watson
College and Career Specialist