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Principal's Message

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,

On behalf of the staff at Granada High School, I am happy to welcome you to the
2024-2025 school year! This will be my 26th year with Granada, and throughout that
experience, our goal has been to help every student feel welcome and connected with
our Granada community.

We have an amazing staff here at Granada High School that encourages our students
to challenge themselves to achieve their highest potential. The mission of Granada
High School is to develop caring, knowledgeable, and active lifelong learners ready to
contribute and thrive in an interconnected and changing world.

Throughout the school year, please visit the Granada website.
We hope you find it helpful and informative.
I also encourage you to follow Granada High School on the following social media platforms:

Facebook: @GranadaHighPride
Instagram: @granadahighschool

Once again, welcome back!  Together let's make it another successful year at Granada
High School!

Clark Conover