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COST referral


If you need to submit a COST referral, please refer to these written instructions.
You can also access this video created by Mr. Hart in which he walks you through the process.
Please share your COST referrals with VP Mann when you submit the form in EduClimber.

Start in Illuminate  then go to eduClimber

How to Use Forms to Submit COST Referrals.

Accessing Forms

  • The best way for teachers to access forms is through the student, though there is also a collection of all forms available from the SmartForms button on the left.
  • Access the Student Profile page for a single student. One of the tabs on the top says “Forms” and lists the number of existing forms associated with this student. When you click on that tab, you will see all those forms.

Creating a Form

  • In the Forms Tab for a student, click “Create.”
  • In the Template dropdown, click “COST Referral Form.”
  • Name it “COST Referral”. EduClimber will add the student’s name to your title.
  • Click “Save.”

Filling and Sharing

  • Once the form has been created, you can double-click it to open. Many fields will be prepopulated with data, but fill in any necessary fields. It will save as you go.
  • Once finished, go to the Share icon (a shadow person with a plus sign next to it) near the upper right and click there. Put in a person’s name and then once you save it will send that person an email letting them know that you’ve shared it. The person you share COST Referrals with should probably be the person in charge of organizing COST referrals - Ms Mann!
  • You can also click on the printer icon for a better looking, printable or pdf-able form.